Our expertly trained teams can run 24 hours a day and deliver our customers perfect parts, on time. We utilize Trumpf TruPunch machines to achieve industry leading performance and premium quality.  Our capabilities include a variety of different punches and intelligent automation systems allow us to run efficiently and operate unattended.  The result? A perfect combination of high end machinery and skilled staff that results in quality parts, every time.


Our Trumpf punches set the standard for productivity and punch quality operating up to 1600 strokes per minute and support scratch-free processes.  


Our 5 Trumpf punching machines operate 24 hours per day, and are overseen by a team of highly experienced operators. The result is maximum production efficiency to deliver your parts on time.



Intelligent automation systems allow us to run efficiently and operate unattended. When combined with our trained workforce overseeing operations, the result is maximum efficiency and throughput without compromising on quality.

From Our Customers

"Dane Manufacturing is very innovative and supportive during the product design phase, which improves part quality and enables us to meet launch deadlines."

Here To Help

Have questions about our services and capabilities? Our staff is trained to serve and eager to help.